El pensamiento de la mañana de una lectora del Blog

How do you learn to ignore?

In the last few weeks I’ve had to learn to just ignore things that feel inhumane, and therefore I feel that I lose some of myself. Ignoring the passed out drug addict on the highway, the little child juggling balls at the stop light, the young dog starving and trying to walk through traffic.

Everyday we get harsh news of innocent people getting killed, etc. But that somehow feels distant because it’s an image on a screen. However, when you drive by a malnourished child or a endangered dog, how do you just pretend it’s a lamp post or another building?

I can see that part of the answer is luxury, you get into your expensive air-conditioned car and just go to a upper-class mall and you don’t need to face these images anymore. Money, objects and property seems to be the real solution to forgetting those that weren't born like you.

I still see the sick tree trying to grow inside a smoke-filled city we love due to the comforts it brings us. I still see the birds flying in formation looking to dock somewhere for these endless nights of artificially lit streets. I still see the ants dragging some left-over food that the street dogs have missed.

Gimme a river that twists and folds for millennia. Gimme mountains that grow so slowly that only the sky notices the difference. Gimme nature where the rules of survival are set and animals must adapt in order to thrive in a fairer setting.


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